405 Seminole Blvd
Largo, Florida 33770



5 Things to Look for in a Physical Therapy Chiropractor

If you’re in search of the best Physical Therapy chiropractor, it’s important to look beyond the equipment on site. While these tools and technologies are important in Largo, they pale in comparison to your spinal doctor’s approach, outlook, attitude, and communication style.

Individualized Attention

You need someone who will create a unique recovery plan for your specific goals and needs. After all, rehabilitation is not a ‘one size fits all’ process. Your injuries are individual to you, so your corrective exercises should match that. An individualized approach will yield the best results when it comes to treatment.

Clear Communication

It’s one thing to find a skilled practitioner in the Largo area, and it’s another to locate a qualified Physical Therapy chiropractor who can communicate with patients clearly. No matter how esteemed an individual is, you won’t achieve your goals as easily if communication is a challenge. Look for someone who is easy to talk to, asks you questions, and listens to your answers. However simple this seems, it will improve your overall experience.

When you start exercise rehabilitation, you enter into an ongoing relationship. This is not a one-and-done visit. Since you’ll be working with one another for some time, it makes sense to find someone you trust and respect.


Very few rehabilitation programs adhere to the initial strategy exactly. Something might take longer than expected to heal. Perhaps, you discover that a particular exercise creates more tension than relief. Whatever the case, the ability to communicate will be essential when it comes to adapting your recovery plan in Largo.

Tools That Support Your Goals

The practitioner you see should have all the tools you need to tackle your wellness goals. This means equipment on site, as well as supporting services that promote healing. Is activity hard for you because you struggle with weight management? Are the knots in your neck keeping you from sleeping well? By seeing a Physical Therapy chiropractor, you get the benefit of also receiving spinal adjustments that help correct misalignments. Coastal Chiropractic also offers services like:

  • Massage therapy
  • Nutritional counseling
  • Auto accident injury treatment
  • Postural screenings
  • Lifestyle advice

With supporting services, you might be able to expedite healing!

Self-Care Instruction

Beyond equipment, you need a Physical Therapy chiropractor who can teach you corrective exercises to complete at home. Much of your healing will take place outside of our Largo facility, and without instruction, you won’t be able to do so. Again, communication skills are at the center of what to look for in a spinal doctor.

Choose Our Physical Therapy Chiropractor

Dr. Marc Rogers can assist you in creating a recovery plan and seeing you through your treatment. Not only does he value clear communication, but he delights in helping Largo patients heal. He’s a skilled Physical Therapy chiropractor, and he can help you beyond corrective exercises and injury rehabilitation. From nutritional counseling and lifestyle advice to pain relief and auto accident injuries, our staff can help you reach your wellness goals! Call 727-581-2774 to set an appointment!